Jun 7, 2012

Facebook Photo Contest!

Photo Contest Entry Guidelines

  • The Bugga Bugs photo challenge is open for submissions Today, June 7th, through Friday, June 29 at noon PST.
  • To enter, share a photo of an item you made using a Bugga Bugs pattern on the Bugga Bugs Facebook Page. Multiple entries are welcome! 
  • If your photo submission has been deleted, it is because the photo did not meet the requirements of being made from a Bugga Bugs pattern. Feel free to re-submit another photo correctly.  
  • Voting! 1 like = 1 vote so ask your friends to like your photos! The top 5 photos with the most "likes" will be entered into the final round of judging!
  • The winning photo will be chosen out of the top 5 and announced first thing Tuesday morning (Aug 3).  
  • Prizes! The winner of the photo challenge will receive a free pattern of their choice along with all the felt they need to create it!
  • We will be featuring some of our favorite photos on our Facebook page, Twitter and blog so make sure to follow us to see if you've been featured!
  • Hints: For more likes on your photo make sure to tell your friends on Facebook, Twitter, Pin it with a link to the contest, and/or post about it on your blog!

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